Thursday, 31 October 2013

Improvements are on the way!

Thanks to some astute and constructive criticism, I am pleased to say that I am revising the layout and making other improvements to Bleake Rebellion. Anyone who has purchased or who purchases a copy of the current PDF will be able to get free copy of the revised PDF version if they send an email to

I am also offering a 30% discount on the book while these improvements are being made! This discount will remain in place until the revised version is complete.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Here We Go!

I'm stoked that I have finally finished Bleake Rebellion, a game about rebels fighting the corrupt authorities that rule their beloved city. It's been a long journey and its taken me to places I never thought I would be going to. I hope that gamers will enjoy the first expedition into the Houseless Hills.

I'm also stoked to announce that I am currently working on two other games and have several others in reserve. One of the games I am working on now is what I am calling a love letter to Dungeons & Dragons and it will use the Open Game License, the other is a non-violent science fantasy* game where you roleplay immortals in a magitek world. As I write more on this games I will update this blog.

*Is that the right name for science fiction which is more fantasy than science?